A rt Frenzy Virtual Gallery Directory

Showing 5 of 72 Artists in the ArtFrenzy Gallery.
31. Gene Caprioglio  Ryan's Grill
50-02 Vernon Blvd. Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: We have a jam session here every Sunday night. Come play or listen from 8:30 to 12:30.
Keywords: jam session
32. Daryl Reding  
30-53 29 street Long Island City, NY 11102 USA
Description: Oil paintings described as "CARTOONS on STERIODS"
Keywords: Paintings
33. Laura Bell  
49-17 Vernon Blvd Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: paintings & works on paper
Keywords: painting, collage
34. Curtis Eller  Curtis Eller's American Circus
Long Island City, NY 11106 USA
Description: Astoria's most stubborn banjo-led Rock & Roll band. Banjo music for funerals. for more info check www.curtiseller.com
Keywords: banjo, yodeling, circus
10-27 46th Avenue, 4th floor Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: abstract painting
Keywords: painting

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