ArtFrenzy Virtual Gallery
Title of Work: The Jam Session at Ryan's-Tangled Up in Bob
Details of Work: We will be doing a special edition of the jam on May 20th, 2001 to celebrate the 60th birthday of Bob Dylan. We will be performing only the music of Bob that night. Anyone who is interested in participating should contact The Jammeister. Let him know what song or songs you want to do. Anyone who wants to contribute visual or spoken material is also welcome to get in touch. This is not a scholarly serioso affair, we will be having fun and making good music. The photo is by Dominque Dimaggio, another LIC person.

Name: Gene Caprioglio
Studio: Ryan's Grill
Address: 50-02 Vernon Blvd.
Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Phone: 416-7806
Fax: 416-7805
Description: We have a jam session here every Sunday night. Come play or listen from 8:30 to 12:30.
Keywords: jam session

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