A rt Frenzy Virtual Gallery Directory

Showing 5 of 72 Artists in the ArtFrenzy Gallery.
41. Tom Snelgrove  Crane Street Studios
46-23 Crane Street Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
42. Niki Ketchman  Niki Ketchman
43-01 21st Street Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Large scale handwoven sculpture and works on paper
Keywords: sculpture
43. Margaret Heffernan  
46th Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: abstract paintings
Keywords: painting, abstract, romantic, contemplative
44. Liz Leggett  LIC Artlofts, 37-06 36th St., LIC, NY
35-25 77th Street #A34, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Long Island City, NY 11102 USA
Description: oil paintings on paper and canvas
45. David Rees  
45-35 44 street #2G Long Island City, NY 11104 USA
Description: Paintings and sculptures from an autodidactic, self-taught, artist. Art concerning the connections between mind, body, spirit, and the environment in which we reside.
Keywords: painting and sculpture

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