A rt Frenzy Virtual Gallery Directory

Showing 5 of 72 Artists in the ArtFrenzy Gallery.
56. Naomi grossman  
10-20 45th road-#305 Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: mixed media sculpture and works on paper
Keywords: wire sculpture words
57. Faith Baldwin  Faith Baldwin Art
10-10 46th rd.#1L Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Graphite renderings of nudes are a favorite amongst my male clients,i have a series of them,they were originally commissioned when i was doing tattoo flash,and people like them.They are available in prints.Each one is signed and numbered.
Keywords: Pastel,Graphite,Oils,Pastels,digital/internet art,fantarealism
58. Lisa Zilker  
5-17 47rd Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Painter/Sculptor/Alchemist
59. Patricia O'Rourke  LIC High School
14-30 Broadway Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
60. Melissa Martin  
Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: mixed media, digital photo manipulation, found object, sculpture and collage

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