A rt Frenzy Virtual Gallery Directory

Showing 5 of 72 Artists in the ArtFrenzy Gallery.
11. Chadwick & Spector  Crane Street Studios
46-23 Crane Street, 3rd floor Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: photographs of recreated 19th century portraiture painted onto the human body. All images are originally from storage depositories of museums. This is an ongoing project that has so far travelled to ten countries.
Keywords: photography, paintings on the body, conceptual
12. Kevin Scanlan  Scanlan Glass
103 14th St. Brooklyn, NY 11215 USA
Description: Hot cast and cold worked sculpture.
Keywords: hot glass - glass blowing
13. keka m&m  
625 Main St. #239 Roosevelt Island, NY 10044 USA
Description: digital artwork, ranging from original photo collages to interactive web pieces
Keywords: digital, collage, photography, drawing, scanned objects
14. Maurine E. Holmgren  Crane Street Studios
46-23 Crane Street Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Direct carving is a very intimate experience in which the artist liberates the forms inherent in a particular piece of stone (or wood) by working with the properties of that stone i.e., the grain, crystal structure, texture, hardness, fault lines, shape, etc. Working within the specific limits of each piece of stone the goal is to create a sculpture that moves outside its own boundaries.
Keywords: Sculpture, Stone, Direct Carving
15. Nancy Olivier  I. S. 1
10-27 46th Avenue, 4th floor Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Abstract, post-formalist paintings on irregular panels made from scraps discarded by local woodshops-- patterning becomes skewed and gestures become codified motifs, as geometric expectations are subverted.
Keywords: painting, abstract, conceptual, irregular, geometric, patterned

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