A rt Frenzy Virtual Gallery Directory

Showing 5 of 72 Artists in the ArtFrenzy Gallery.
6. regia marinho  RegiaArt.com
625 Main Street Roosevelt Island, NY 10044 USA
Description: art gallery of the expressionist artist, Regia Marinho. Regia considers herself to be an abstract expressionist painter, using a multilayered `lines and splash' style filled with vigorous movement and rich color. The result is startling and bold -- a direct expression of her unconscious. Regia Marinho lives and works in Roosevelt Island, New York.
Keywords: painting, drawing, prints, big faces, abstract, expressionist, line drawing,
7. Karen Fitzgerald  12th Street Studios
31-29 12th St. Long Island City, NY 11106 USA
Description: These oil paintings are round, luminous and have very rich, subtle surfaces. They extend the landscape tradition into metaphysical concerns.
Keywords: oil paintings,round, luminous,prints,drawings
8. Anki King  Crane St. Studios
46-23 Crane St, 5th fl. #14 Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Colorful, expressionistic paintings full of life and fun. One of the very few painters of real life today.
Keywords: Color, Life, Enjoyment
9. Keith Gamache  Crane Street Studios
46-23 Crane St Long Island City, NY 11101 USA
Description: Conceptual works using rules as a starting point to create something unfamiliar from the familiar, uncommon from the common place, random from the calculated, and abstract from the representational.
Keywords: painting, conceptual, abstraction, systems
10. Christine Corda  
Long Island City, NY 11105 USA

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